sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016

The symptoms are watering of the eye

The symptoms are watering of the eye

The symptoms are watering of the eye

Symptoms. The symptoms are watering of the eye, swollen lids, redness of the mucous membrane exposed by the separation of the lids it may be a mere pink blush with more or less branching redness, or it may be a deep, dark red, as from effusion of blood and a bluish opacity of the cornea, which is normally clear and translucent. Except when resulting from wounds and actual extravasation of blood, however, the redness is seen to be superficial, and if the opacity is confined to the edges, and does not involve the entire cornea, the aqueous humor behind is seen to be still clear and limpid. The fever is always less severe than in internal ophthalmia, and runs high only in the worst cases. The eyelids may be kept closed, the eyeball retracted, and the haw protruded over one-third or one-half of the ball, but this is due to the pain only and not to any excessive sensibility to light, as shown by the comparatively widely dilated pupil. In internal ophthalmia, on the contrary, the narrow, contracted pupil is the measure of the pain caused by the falling of light on the inflamed and sensitive optic nerve (retina) and choroid.

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