sábado, 7 de maio de 2016

Sty, or Furuncle (Boil) of The Eyelid.

Sty, or Furuncle (Boil) of The Eyelid.

Sty, or Furuncle (Boil) of The Eyelid.

This is an inflammation of limited extent, advancing to the formation of matter and the sloughing out of a small mass of the natural tissue of the eyelid. It forms a firm, rounded swelling, usually near the margin of the lid, which suppurates and bursts in four or five days. Its course may be hastened by a poultice of camomile flowers, to which have been added a few drops of carbolic acid, the whole applied in a very thin muslin bag. If the swelling is slow to open after having become yellowish white, it may be opened by a lancet, the incision being made at right angles to the margin of the lid.

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