domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2016

Endocarditis, or Inflammation of The Lining Membrane of The Heart.

Endocarditis, or Inflammation of The Lining Membrane of The Heart.

Endocarditis, or Inflammation of The Lining Membrane of The Heart.

Endocarditis frequently occurs as a complication of rheumatism, some of the specific or zymotic fevers, specific poisoning, etc. This is a more frequent disease among horses than is generally known, and often gives rise to symptoms which at first are obscure and unnoticed.

In influenza we may find the heart becoming involved in the disease, in consequence of the morbid material conveyed through the heart in the blood stream. In view of the fact that many affections in even remote portions of the body may be traced directly to a primary endocardial disease, we shall feel justified in inviting special attention to this disease.

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