quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015

Spasm of the intestines See

Spasm of the intestines See

Spasm of the intestines See

Spasm of the intestines. (See "Cramp colic," p. 74.)

Spasm of the neck of the bladder. This may be due to spinal irritation or a reflex from intestinal irritation, and is manifested by frequent but ineffectual attempts to urinate.

Spasm of the diaphragm, or thumps. Spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, the principal muscle used in respiration, is generally occasioned by extreme and prolonged speeding on the race track or road. The severe strain thus put upon this muscle finally induces irritation of the nerves controlling it, and the contractions become very forcible and violent, giving the jerking character known among horsemen as "thumps." This condition may be distinguished from violent beating of the heart by feeling the pulse beat at the angle of the jaw, and at the same time watching the jerking movement of the body, when it will be discovered that the two bear no relation to each other. (See "Palpitation of the heart," p. 259.)

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