quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015

Epilepsy, or Falling Fits.

Epilepsy, or Falling Fits.

Epilepsy, or Falling Fits.

The cause of epilepsy is seldom traceable to any special brain lesions. In a few cases it accompanies disease of the pituitary body, which is located in the under surface of the brain. Softening of the brain may give rise to this affection. Attacks may occur only once or twice a year or they may be of frequent recurrence.

Symptoms. No premonitory symptoms precede an epileptic fit. The animal suddenly staggers; the muscles become cramped; the jaws may be spasmodically opened and closed, and the tongue become lacerated between the teeth; the animal foams at the mouth and falls in a spasm. The urine flows involuntarily, and the breathing may be temporarily arrested. The paroxysm soon passes off, and the animal gets on its feet in a few minutes after the return of consciousness.

Treatment. Dashing cold water on the head during the paroxysm. After the recovery 1 dram of oxid of zinc may be given in the feed twice a day for several weeks, or benefit may be derived from the tonic prescribed for chorea.

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