sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2016

How to cite our website

How to cite our website

If you enjoyed our content and would like to use part of it in your work or on your website please use it.
We ask only that you cite us and place a small link to our website in accordance with the rule and the example below:


#. "Title of article," Site Name, date of access, URL (with link).


The Monarda fistulosa, a hardy herbaceous plant, growing spontaneously in Canada, and other parts of North-America. (1)

1. "145 Flower Monarda Fistulosa Crimson Monarda Diandra Monogynia," Flowers: A Botanical Flower Collection, 8 October, 2013,


The Monarda fistulosa, a hardy herbaceous plant, growing spontaneously in Canada, and other parts of North-America. (Source: "145 Flower Monarda Fistulosa Crimson Monarda Diandra Monogynia," Flowers: A Botanical Flower Collection, 8 October, 2013,

Thank you for citing and quoting our site correctly!

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