sábado, 31 de outubro de 2015

If death has occurred at a later period of the disease

If death has occurred at a later period of the disease

If death has occurred at a later period of the disease

Lesions. On making post-mortem examinations of horses which have died in the first stages of either of these diseases we find an excessive engorgement of the capillaries and small blood vessels, with correspondingly increased redness and changes in both the contents and the walls of the vessels. If death has occurred at a later period of the disease, it will be found that, in addition to the redness and engorgement, an exudation of the contents of the blood vessels into the tissues and upon the surfaces of the inflamed parts has supervened. If the case has been one of encephalitis, there will usually be found more or less watery fluid in the ventricles (natural cavities in the brain), in the subarachnoid space, and a serous exudation between the convolutions and interstitial spaces of the gray matter under the membranes of the brain. The quantity of fluid varies in different cases. Exudations of a membranous character may be present, and are found attached to the surfaces of the pia mater.

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