Forty-two or forty-three in number
The spinal nerves, forty-two or forty-three in number, arise each by two roots, a superior or sensory, and an inferior or motor. The nerves originating from the brain are twenty-four in number, and arranged in pairs, which are named first, second, third, etc., counting from before backward. They also receive special names, according to their functions or the parts to which they are distributed, viz:
1. Olfactory.
2. Optic.
3. Oculo-motor.
4. Pathetic.
5. Trifacial.
6. Abducens.
7. Facial.
8. Auditory.
9. Glossopharyngeal.
10. Pneumogastric.
11. Spinal accessory.
12. Hypoglossal.
2. Optic.
3. Oculo-motor.
4. Pathetic.
5. Trifacial.
6. Abducens.
7. Facial.
8. Auditory.
9. Glossopharyngeal.
10. Pneumogastric.
11. Spinal accessory.
12. Hypoglossal.
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