quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2015

Chorea is often associated with a nervous disposition

Chorea is often associated with a nervous disposition

Chorea is often associated with a nervous disposition

Chorea is often associated with a nervous disposition, and is not so frequent in animals with a sluggish temperament. The involuntary muscular contractions cause no pain, and do not appear to produce much exhaustion of the affected muscles, although the jerking may be regular and persistent whenever the animal is in motion.

Treatment. In a few cases, early in the appearance of this affection, general nerve tonics may be of benefit, viz, iodid of iron, 1 dram; pulverized nux vomica, 1 dram; pulverized scutellaria (skull-cap), 1 ounce. Mix and give in the feed once a day for two weeks. Arsenic in the form of Fowler's solution is often beneficial. If the cause is connected with organic brain lesions, treatment is usually unsuccessful.

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