segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2015

Proper attention should be given to feeding and watering

Proper attention should be given to feeding and watering

Proper attention should be given to feeding and watering

Prevention. In very hot weather horses should have wet sponges or light sunshades on the head when at work, or the head may be sponged with cold water as many times a day as possible. Proper attention should be given to feeding and watering, never in excess. During the warm months all stables should be cool and well ventilated, and if an animal is debilitated from exhaustive work or disease it should receive such treatment as will tend to build up the system. Horses should be permitted to drink as much water as they want while they are at work during hot weather.

An animal which has been affected with sunstroke is very liable to have subsequent attacks when exposed to the necessary exciting causes.

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