sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016

Spinal Anemia.

Spinal Anemia.

Spinal Anemia.

This may be caused by extreme cold, exhausting diseases, spinal embolism or plugging of a spinal blood vessel, an interference with the circulation through the abdominal aorta, from compression, thrombosis, or aneurism of that vessel; the spinal vessels may be caused to contract through vasomotor influence, a result of peripheral irritation of some nerve.

Spinal anemia causes paralysis of the muscles used in extending the limbs. When the bladder is affected, it precedes the weakness of motion, while in spinal congestion it follows, and increased sensibility, in place of diminished sensibility, as in spinal congestion, is observed. Pressure along the spine causes excessive pain.

If the exciting cause can be removed, the animal recovers; if this fails, the spinal cord may undergo softening.

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