Anemia of The Brain.
This is a physiological condition in sleep. It is considered a disease or may give rise to disease when the circulation and blood supply of the brain are interfered with. In some diseases of the heart the brain becomes anemic, and fainting fits occur, with temporary loss of consciousness. Tumors growing within the cranium may press upon one or more arteries and stop the supply of blood to certain parts of the brain, thus inducing anemia, ultimately atrophy, softening, or suppuration. Probably the most frequent cause is found in plugging, or occlusion, of the arteries by a blood clot.
Symptoms. Imperfect vision, constantly dilated pupils, frequently a feeble and staggering gait, and occasionally cramps, convulsions, or epileptic fits occur.
Pathology. The exact opposite of cerebral hyperemia. The blood vessels are found empty, the membranes blanched, and the brain substance softened.
Treatment. Removal of the remote cause when possible. General tonics, nutritious feed, rest, and removal from all causes of nervous excitement.
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