terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2014

Causing a cutaneous habronemiasis known as summer sores

Causing a cutaneous habronemiasis known as summer sores

Causing a cutaneous habronemiasis known as summer sores

Apparently it is the young forms of these stomach worms which develop at times on the skin, causing a cutaneous habronemiasis known as summer sores. This is discussed under diseases of the skin.

Strongyles (Strongylus spp. and Cylicostomum spp.). These worms (Pl. V, figs. 2 and 3) live in the large intestines of the horse as adult worms and are often present in enormous numbers. Many of them are very small, and the largest are less than two inches long. The adult worms do considerable damage, but the immature or larval worms do even more.

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