segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

The treatment of peritonitis is somewhat like that of enteritis

The treatment of peritonitis is somewhat like that of enteritis

Treatment. The treatment of peritonitis is somewhat like that of enteritis. Opium in powder, 1 to 2 drams, with calomel, one-half dram, is to be given every two, three, or four hours, and constitutes the main dependence in this disease. Extensive counterirritants over the belly, consisting of mustard plasters, applications of mercurial ointment, turpentine stupes, or even mild blisters, are recommended. Purgatives must never be given during this complaint. Should we desire to move the bowels, it can be done by gentle enemas, though it is seldom necessary to resort even to this.

Fonte: Diseases of the Horse

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